Thursday, July 3, 2014

Movement Assessment Template

In "Building a Resilient Body" I provide instructions on six movement and range of motion assessments. If you try an assessment and pass, that's great, you have a baseline standard of movement(for that area of the body) that is sufficient for the strength, power, and conditioning
work outlined in the book.

If you fail, the news isn't so good, but it's not the end of the world. If there isn't an acute injury(torn muscle, tendon, ligament, broken bone, etc) there is a specific process to restore proper function of that particular movement system. This involves doing SMR(foam rolling, using a LAX ball, or other implement) then stretching the muscles you just finished rolling, and finally activating some corresponding muscles that are likely weak due to being in a constantly over stretched position. At the end of this rolling, stretching, and activating process, then you re-test the same assessment and note 
whether your progress now qualifies you as passing. If it doesn't, there are exercises that may be contraindicated until you can pass the assessment. Often it only takes a few sessions to restore your movement! 

This methodology is relatively new, but has been proven effective by some of the best athletic trainers in sports, and I've seen firsthand how powerful it can be. 

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